Saturday, 12 May 2012

30th Apr-12th May; 2 weeks,2 'poms', 2 dogs, 2 power cuts, 3 fish and trouble at mill!!!

Sorry, sorry, sorry. Its flipping hard work this retirement thingy!!! Where the hell does all these challenges come from ?. I am not going to bore you with the details but here is a quick resume' of the last two weeks.

Lennox has pulled his crushitate ligament ( hamstring to you!!). Vets x-rayed under anaetsetic ($400), and gave painkillers for 20 days and lots of care advice.... so started off with 'hard ground lead' walks only and no beach for three months.  So John, (bless him) got dragged round the park each morning for an hour...had to fight off the Roo's, save the ducks, hold back Lennox and his ever increasing ballet dancing...try and drink his coffee at the same time.... not working!!!. I kid you not, Lennox is such a b
beefcake and very well named....well his injury was getting worse so he's now on house ar'rest' and we are not walking him at all.  Very slowly the limp seemed to be getting better, then you think brilliant its working, then, then... he has a mad five minutes, belts round the balconies and garden and we are back to square one. So Lennox will be resting for a while, a long while.  We bought the dogs some fresh bones. They looked like something off of a Dinasour, so big that John had to hacksaw them in quarters. The boys loved em, but also got possessive ... Lennox chomped his down, it took about an hour, then ...Kosytas only looked the other way for about 5 seconds and whoosh it was bloody well gone.!!! Gone where??? guess!. Lennox had it. I can only say that Kosytas knows every doggy swear word in the book...and Lennox moved flipping fast,  I think we will leave that subject alone now. But overall the boys are fine...
AND, now there is no Lennox on the beach to round up Kosytas , he just does his own thing. I left him down there the other day, cuz the more I called  ( in my' I'm not angry nice' voice)and walked after him, the more he ran up towards the other bay...  (melros beach to the left and Florida beach to the right) So after a couple of hours I gave in, came back and showered and left him to bring himself home ( we were warned he sometimes does this), which he did, some 10 minutes after me apparently...

So then its Friday night and 9pm a power cut! yes again, thats the third. Suzanne and Ian never mentioned these and when I mentioned it to them they had not had one in ages!!! SO off to bed we trot not knowing whats on or off.  Get up next morning no power, call lecky board, it should be on says the guy (who is from Ealing in London by the way!). John checks the switches can't find a problem, so lecky board is sending down a guy to sort it out.  Wheres the meter they ask? outside says John. Wheres the key??? ummmmmmm, off I trot off to call Suzanne who is sailing in the Bay of Islands now and proberly out of contact reach, but we get them! Yippee. ''Wheres the key for the meter cupboard?" 'ummmm in the drawer on the bunch'. John tries them all... Nope! 'try in the envelope on a rope in the study'....  John tries them all...nope! ummmm in the office on a rope... John tries them all ....Nope! ( just to be clear, when I say John tries them all, there is about 20 keys on each rope!) ''On top of the fridge on a rope'' says Suzanne ...
Ureka!!! we have the key. John opens the cupboard flips the switch and yes we have Power....all is well with the world.

Sunday; Its about 9am, so we settle down to do breakfast, having walked the beach... and WHOOSH off goes the power. I check the internet, no known cuts! I call the lecky board 'ahhhh did they not put a card through the door?' Nope.... Well... we are replacing a pole that surged on Friday night in the street next to you, pop round and ask for Brad and he will tell you how long and whats happening..." So off I trot to 43 Ayrton street ( yes we know the local roads now) and there are about 20 neighbours and 10 lecky men all out in the street.. I ask for Brad 'Thats me he says'. Should not be too long, will defo be back on for the footie this arbo!!!" Well I don't watch footie and me bacon sarnie is half done!! I explain, 'oh he says properly about 4-5 hours, then it will all be sorted'. So off I wander back to give 'chef John' the news. "never mind" he says, so out comes the one burner gas stove and we get our heads round power cut number 4 in as many weeks!

Ps; Defo= definitely and arbo =afternoon

We let The Grundys know (Ian and Suzanne)and they can't stop laughing. I am sure this is a bloody film set  and we are being set challenge after challenge!. Never mind we settle down to no lecky...John reads and I make cards......

Then there is last Monday. The Grundys daughter, Natalie and partner, Blake are popping in as its her dogs we are looking after, so John and I are cooking lunch for them.
Its all going well, then a storm erupts (again) and water is flipping coming in everywhere, we are literally bailing it out by the bucket load on the flight deck. The new windows are not sealing properly and when it blows a gale and rains here, it really blows!!! so there is me, John, Natalie and Blake all stripped down to shorts and tops, mopping out and throwing buckets of water over the balcony. I come downstairs to make a drink and bloody 'ell the living room/kitchen has started to leak to... The nice cream shiny floor tiles are also seeped in puddles and its moving across the floor fast. I go and check the bedroom! oh flipping yes.... water in there too. So I tie up the curtains and Natalie calls the window people and after her third call they realise this is serious when Natalie sends piccies of us bailing out to their Director (my idea!). She  requests that he come here now and sort this all out or she will call another company and invoice them!!!!. Well a couple of hours later he arrives..... He is VERY embarrassed and promises to have a team here next morning. Great .....I think, so John and I manage through the nite. We put down bath sheets everywhere, every single towel in the house is now on the floor, we cross our fingers and go to bed. Next morning (yes, we survived) 10am the guys arrive..... Just to say its now been sorted but it took another day of work and there is still a flipping trim missing.  Then just as they are leaving the window guy says to me, 'whats this water here?" I swing round 'Where? ' I ask in a panic, "here on the living room floor" he replies. We then look up as water is coming thought the blinds!!!! what the f*** is going on...?. After some investigation we find two holes, one each end of the flight deck balcony (the house is set over three floors). Apparently when the new windows went in these holes should have been filled.  So holes got filled, I let the Grundys know ( they can't believe it and are so grateful we were here and able to sort out..!!!). WE dry out the blinds and so far fingers crossed, it appears its all sorted now .... nearly anyway.

The weather the last few weeks has been very changeable ranging from 90 degrees hot, dry and sun to 70 degrees a storms, thunder, lightening and lots of rain. .....And boy when it rains here it really rains and you get very very wet ( that includes inside the house sometimes too lol).

Ok, lets change the subject...

The girls appear to be ok with the odd hiccup here and there..... Billee is on top of her school work and looking forward to leaving (when she is older she will think back at how good school was!!!!), still she is young and keen to get out in the big wide world. She also had a power cut this week, (blew a fuse !) so she now knows how to deal..... ( yes we dealt with that too, from over here).  Roxanne is handing in her final pieces and doing her final film, apparently it is costing a small fortune..but she has her summer ball on Friday and her graduation is looming, so she is just sorting out her gown and chalkboard hat and is so busy she leaves us spinning... We won't be there to see her graduate , but Dan has says he will represent us and Roxanne knows and understands that we can't travel back for the graduation... We will see them both later in the year or new year..... Kouy is doing ok, she has had some challenges this last week, but hopefully she will come good and things will settle. So we are sending big hugs from OZ to Woodley just for Kouy xxx

John done some beach fishing and cames back soaked to his middle, with three herring for his brekkie. He watches a video on 'u'tube to learn how to fillet, next minute the fish are in the sink, on the side, de-scaled and filleted and in the fridge ready for brekkie tomorrow, very nice they were too (apparently)..

Cooking in the week (as I do, sometimes!) A large solid glass cooking tray smashed, don't know how, Took it out of oven , sat it on the heat mat and crack!!! it was in pieces...... Anything else anyone would like to chuck at us this week?.......

Think thats enough.... so here come the piccies, lots of them so enjoy...

When it rains it rains!!!!

Then the sunsets and its dry...

Calm is restored...

The beach the morning after the storm..

Sunset, ahhhhhhhh

John filleting his fish..lovely kitchen xx

The beach a few days later...

Rain is on its way, look at those clouds, here we go again ....

Yes that is 'Sir' on his own on! the beach! doing his 'catch me if you can dance' ....... little ''$%^&*'', but he is lovely and very funny...

John mows Desma's (Suzannes Mum)  lawns.. (that lawn mower is actually older than John !). Poor Desma, John just can't get her name right, so far she has been Demelza, Demerara, Desirey, Deidree, in fact he has called her everything but Desma.. how hard can a name be ???? He better learn it fast as she is coming home next weekend.

The finished garden, ahhhh relax and chill...

Now, see this pond? well this park does not have a pond!!! this is a puddle after a storm....

WE three fish ....

A man and his mate, yes even when its raining we sit with the boys....

And I sit with both...

John clears the storm drain and looses the head of the mop in the process, hehehehehe

Water, water, water.....

Every flipping where...

And more.....

and more, even had to tie the curtains up out of the way...

Its getting rough again, brace yourselves..

The flowers that Natalie bought John and I   xxx Beautiful..

Now I know I keep saying its expensive, but to prove a point. 160 PG Tips =$17.85 = £14.00 now do you believe me????........and guess what, that was on Special!!!!!!

Sun, sand and sea...... love it..

Yes that is me....

The one ring, very reliable camping stove.... who needs electric ????

And that folks is all for now. So have a good week, love to all, we miss you loads xxxx
Lots of Love,  Linda and John xxxxx

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