Up at five this morning and its about now ya wonder why on earth did we offer to take um to the airport. I sit on the edge of the bed and someone sticks a cup of coffee in me hand, I just hope it Lin cos me eyes ain't working yet and I'm sitting there in the nude. I climb into yesterdays cloths and wander out. The place is a hive of activity with baby bags and suitcases everywhere. Now this really is were ya feel like a pork sandwich at a Jewish wedding. I ain't got no bags to pack, no bottles to make or shoes to sort out, even the dog just wants to sleep, so I just sit there trying not to keel over on the settee and go back to sleep. With the bags in the car (big fuc* off thing), Lin, Janelle and the babe, squeeze in the back and I stumble into the front with Brett, Co's I've got to see how to get back, Huh! at this time in the morning, I'm lucky if I find the right room ta have a pee in, I really hope Lin's paying attention. I come to just as we reach the airport, so by the time we park up, I'm full of beans. We say our goodbyes and they trundle off and I climb into the car. This things a sodding monster, even when I drove a bus, I weren't this high up and were does that bleeding bonnet end, Oh yea, This is gonna be fun. Much to Lin's and my surprise, the drive home was pretty straight forward and we never got lost once, not even a little bit, how bout that? Got a bit of a shock when we opened the garage door and this big black dog came bounding out, Forgot about that.......
Time for a shop, back in the monster and off down the road, the shops are just round the corner and I suppose we could walk, but where would the fun be in that. We load up with all the goodies we're gonna need for the week, plus a few treats and bones for the dog.... (we don't want this bugger getting hungry, she's a bigggg dog). The bags get emptied into various cupboards with the hope we'll be able to find it all again, now just got to empty the trailer and bike, within the hour, anyone walking in would believe we've always lived here.
Ya can really tell the dogs missing her family, she keeps going into the baby's room and laying down by the cot, even as the evening wears on, we sit in the TV room downstairs and she lays upstairs in the dining room. you watch, it wont take us long to win her over..
Kira xxxx
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