Wednesday, 5 December 2012

30th Nov, No stiff bits and a good bid, Hervey bay

We had a bit of a lay in today, not that we were asleep, just that we're so sore we couldn't move. All good things must come to an end and we finally roll out of bed, seeing as we're sleeping on the floor, this ain't a bad thing, it just makes crawling to the loo a lot easier...... Got to say, since we've been on the floor again, all the aches and pains that came from sleeping in a bed have now vanished, now we've just got to put up with the ones that come from riding round in a monster 4x4 with the driver from hell.

Yer can just tell by the start of the day its gonna be a slow one. No one wants to cook breakfast, so its a toast day and if we'd had cereals, it would have been that. Its around mid day when we get dressed and that's only cos we need to go to the shopping centre to stock up on grub, well that and a bit of retail therapy for Lin. Hey, result, we found an Aldi, first one we've spotted since we got out here, same stuff as back home just new names on the products, strange!!!

So with the bike loaded up with goodies, its back to the tent to unload. Right, I'm off fishing for a couple of hours while Lin gets on the net looking for a car for Roxanne, (some git bashed her old one).
For the next four hours, I'm up to me knees in sea water and I've had this bit of bait so long, I'm thinking of giving it a name.

I've had enough...... so off back to the tent where Lin's been busy and found a nice little motor on Ebay. Thing is, she wants me to do the bidding and the sodding auction don't end till eleven thirty. Eleven twenty five and  lots of coffee later, at last the final seconds tic down. Ten seconds to go and the bid go's on. Looks like Roxanne's got a new motor and at last we can go to bed.

Yes... when we say a lazy day we mean a lazy day xx

We are living under this tree.. its soo pretty.....

Nothing else for today... love to all...

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