Sunday, 26 August 2012

2nd-5th Aug, airports, extentions and

We get back home having waved off Kouy and settle back to just John and I . Off to bed we go, knowing that Cheryl and Mike are due back in under 48 hours time. So we plan to blitz the house and hoover the garden, yes hoover the garden tomorrow, so that everything is in place for them. Their daughter Amanda is also due to drop by, to collect their car and do them a surprise pick up at the airport. So its action at all stations....

However we then get a call from Mike " hello, its good and bad news, what do you want do you want first?" he asks, I suggest the bad news first, wondering what on earth is going on..... "Cheryl is poorly and we are waiting for an ambulance and doctors, so we have cancelled our flights and dont know when we will be back. ""oh dont worry", I advise, "no problem we can stay on, just let us know and we will pick you up at the airport". ' Whats the good news I ask?', "we will sort out flights when we can replies Mike" 'No worries' I reply, ( yes I get more bloody ozzie by the day)... So calm is restored, we unpack again and resume the normal daily routine at Banjup. Had we of got the call 12 hours earlier, we could have looked into Kouys flights being delayed to. But never mind, she is on her way back...

The week rolls on and we are waiting for news of the new baby to arrive.

Anyway, there I am hoovering up the hallway and cleaning through and there on the floor is this flippin ornament that John has put down, no doubt to scare me, a sort of lizard thingy. So I bend down to pick it up and the bloody thing hisses at me ..... OMG..... So there I am screaming 'John' (who is in the garage sorting out the bike, radio on...... say no more), so there I am..... still calling John and now standing on a plant wall that is in the hallway and still calling for John. Next minute he appears at the garage door, bloody hands on hips and is shouting 'What?"..... 'What?' , I reply, 'come now'..... by now I am frantic lol..... John comes running over from the house and sees the lizard and starts laughing. Bends down to pick it up and it scuttles underneath a large wooden chest. "get it John, get it'. I am directing him, which just makes him laugh more. Anyway, he pulls out the chest and manages to get the 'skink' or bobby tail, we think they call them and John takes it outside and wants to let him go about 10 feet from the house... 'no not there', I tell John, 'take him into the bush , he'll just come back otherwise'....So off John and the bobby tail go, with me about 5 feet behind, to make sure it does go. I turn round and theres Missy and Buddy following me too.....


Yes it is real!!!!!!

Hiding by the chest!

"I got it, I got it.........Big Kid.....

Anyway drama over, so I carry on with my household duties and all is well with the world.

Next day the bloody thing came back.. Look... I nearly trod on him as I came out the door to walk the dogs..

"JOHNNNNNNNN.. Ok I know he has it. The instruction this time is to take to the borders of Banjup and let him go lol...... Only joking, but I make sure he goes right into the bush this time....

Yes, I got it John AGAIN !!!!  You are my hero...

And here are my two little mates, to make sure I am ok.... Buddy and Missy.  ahhhhhh, Love these two soooo much xx

Anyway, excitement over and life again returns to calm...

Its now sunday, john is in the garden and brings me in this lovely rose.....

'The man' and his garden!!! NOT....

It looks lovely...

more lovely..

Ok, folks thats another week over xxxx

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