Sunday, 13 January 2013

11th Jan, Here today, gone tomrrow, Alexandre Hills

Its our last day, I cant believe it, our last day. It hardly seems we were arriving here almost a year ago, and now its time to go.

Brian and Bernadette should be home around one, so a bit of last minute pottering, then off to get the hire car, which we're gonna use to get us to the Airport, I thought we we're getting a car, but this things so small, its more of a roller skate. Oh well, as long as it does the job, who the hell cares?.

Lin follows me back to the house in the shoe box while I drive the loaner we've got from Berndette. This works well cos I'm the only one who understands the sat-nav. I'm sure the bleeding thing's trying to kill us, so far its tried to send us the wrong way up a duel carriageway, the wrong way round a couple of roundabouts and has lost its ability to tell its bare left/ right from it turn left/right, resulting in me and Lin both screaming quick,which fuc*ing way? Ok, we drop the loaner off back at the house and take the roller skate to go get a coffee and a very last (thank God) look round the shops. We're back at the house by ten to one just before the happy couple walk through the door at one. Looks like they've stopped off to pick up the Poodle, now with no funnel, breathing or feeding tubes, still looks like un ugly little git, just shows ya, somethings never change.

We spend the afternoon in idol chit chat about the dogs, camping, the exchange rate and how sweat runs down the crack of yer ar*e, you know, the usual stuff.... Their taking us out to dinner as a thank you for all our hard work. (see, it paid off). The time soon go's and it ain't long before we're in the car and heading for 'The Light House' at Raby Bay, apparently it's their local chippy with a restaurant built in. Must say, it was a bloody nice place and Brian recommended the Sand crab Lasangne. So there we were, sitting on the edge of the ocean, (we had to move the table back to avoid getting wet.....) in good company, munching down on one of the best meals we've had out here. What a really nice way to spend our last night in Australia...

Ahh..... Lucy watches us all leave as we go off out for dinner.. on this our last night in Australia..

Thats all folks, cuz we have to be up at 4am tomorrow...yaaaaaaay....

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