Saturday, 11 February 2012

Friday 10th February, Still in Kiama

Bloody hell, what a night, Did it rain?. Woke up time after time with the rain beating on the tent. Sounds like someone throwing pebbles down a tin roof. No sign of water, so used the excuse to snuggle up to Lin, (just to make sure she's safe). Up at severn thirty and the rain still aint let up, Sod that, not driving the bike through this weather, so gonna book in for another night. Since its early here (and still evening in the uk) we Skype all those we can get hold of.  Roxanne won't answer, Kouy can't get to a computer, Steven's out collecting money (thats me boy, we might need it) can't even get hold of Sophie,  Billee and Row not on line!!!!. We then get lucky and have a chat with Billee for a bit, nice to see at least one of me girls. Nicky's on line, so have a natter with her and John, just to catch up with life in Turkey.

Midday and the rain finally ease's off, so pack up the poncho's and its off to check out the blowhole. Yep, its a blowhole. That done, its off into town for ice-cream, It may  be raining here, but its still bloody warm, (it could melt the knacker's off a bronze statue). Another walk round town, (Lin looks longingly at the shoes and I drool over the gas fittings). OK,  back to the tent and catch up with the blog and have a bit of a rest, the night is still young?

Huh! so much for that. Need to go into town once again to eat. We decided earlier that it would be easier to eat out rather than cook in the kitchen. So we wait till it rains, put on bright yellow poncho's just to make sure we look really daft and head off for the Italian that's does really good carbanara. Well fed once again and alls right with the world.  Gonna leave tomorrow, come what may so we head back for a reasonably early night, so we get the daft thing (poncho) looking just right again and off we go.

Why is it that a really good meal never stays that way for long. Heres me, 2.30 in the morning, burping, farting and god knows what, looking for the sodding Rennies by torch light. Oh well,  so much for the joys of camping.

If you could all be here, life would be perfect. Love ya. Lin and John xxxxxx

This is the walk down into Kiama town, beautiful, long and  a good fitness test for anyone.

This is the view and the next cove, still in Kiama, this was taken from just opposite our tent. Yes, we were on the top of a hill!!! wherever we stay seems to be on top of a hill. Still it keeps 'us' fit.

More 'Blow hole'

A view from the beach, taken from down the hill and nearer to the town.

And yes we know we looked daft, but they kept us dry. Thank gawd for the £ shop , hahaha.

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