Saturday, 11 February 2012

Saturday 11th February, and we're off

Up nice and early, co's we're off today. So up to the kitchen for a quick bite to eat, (comprising of toast, with stolen jam, stolen coffee, stolen tea and stolen sugar) ummm, I would say these were borrowed actually !!!!.  The weathers holding, so as soon as we're done, it's everything out the tent and back onto the bike. I really don't know how Lin doe's it, but she packed that trailer to the hilt and we just about got the lid down. The bikes brimming with stuff and we still haven't got food, gas bottle or lighting, we can't even find anything we want when we need it.  I think, at the next camp site we're gonna have to have a big turn out and a few things are gonna go.

OK, so we're fully loaded and it still ain't raining, the bike starts on the button and we're away once again. We head off down Highway One, or Paradise highway (same road, just got two names). Now this is a road just made for a bike. Long sweeping curves, one after another, left, then right. The Speed limit is a bit of a pain and ranges form a meagre 40km/h (approx 30mph) to 100km/h (Approx 55mph) so it not to long before I'm getting a jab in the ribs and a whack on the back of me helmet.  I try stroking Lin's leg to soothe her a bit and just get whacked harder.  I'm gonna be a mass of bruises by the end of this trip. We stop at a place called Burrill Lake about one for a quick bite.  Daft ain't it. I pulled over, forgot to put me foot down and layed the bike down. Looked over me shoulder and theres Lin, legs in the air, Ar*e on the floor, laughing.  Happy days. Anyway, into the cafe (laughing makes Lin hungry) to refuel. Lin had a steak something or other witch came in a stack and I had a egg and bacon stack. (I think the plates over here are just to small).  Job done, its back on the road. Up and down mountains and through small towns, we seem to be well out in the sticks now and the scenery shows it. Lots of Oooo's and Ahhhhh's going on, and that's just me (really must get that vibration sorted out). Lin's packed the camera, so just use your imagination
(we may never see it again). We finally end up in a town called Eden and its well named. We've booked into a b&b for the night (cu's we ain't got no gas, food or lighting, somethings gotta go). It over looks a huge bay and we've spent the evening watching the storm clouds roll in. The thunder is deafing and the lightening across the water will be a memory forever. The house we're in is amazing, huge, spacious, with glorious views. (Lin wants it).

Right, I'm fed up writing this thing, I'm off to do some reading for a change.

Lots and lots of love Lin and John xxxxx

This was our room at Corrcoran Cottage B and B. This picture, does not do it justice. I WANT this house John, please. lol..........

The view from our bedroom window.

The view from outside our bedroom window, and taken from the veranda. Lin spent a lovely evening reading on this veranda. Whilst the Editor in Chief, wrote the blog !!!

The veranda, looking out over Eden Bay. This is where we watched the storm come in. Beautiful.

The glass balcony, where we stayed. Yes John, I still WANT this house.

Across the bay at Eden, so aptly named.

Croc Smith, on the balcony.... Not a care in the world !!!

1 comment:

Cissystrut said...

Hi Muma Hi Dad!

Just thought i'd let you 2 know that me and Dan have been checking the blog everyday, so all that typing definitely has a purpose!
Sounds like your having lots of fun!

Love you loads!
Roxanne and Daniel xxxx