Sunday, 19 February 2012

Saturday 18th February, Across the bridge to Philip Island

Somewhere in Australia, Theres a big patch of dirt with teeth marks in it. Mine, I can't take it any more, that airbeds got to go. Lin got an attack of the leg thing again last night and I ended up like a nodding dog on speed, she rolls over and me ar** hits the floor. That's it, I bounce, hoping to fire her out the door, but Lin's got a grip of Iron and won't let go of the bed. The airbed finally gives up the ghost and we both end up sleeping on the floor. Sod the dam thing, it can stay that way, at last, we can get a bit of sleep.
Up good and early, moving on today, so we want to get a good start, bread and stolen jam (we nicked a lot) to start the day, don't want to muck about doing bacon butties. The bikes getting a lot of attention and people keep coming over to have a chat. By the time we get everything packed up, ready to go, it's taken about three hours. Darrell comes over before we leave and asks us to come over to his place sometime to have a rest, beer and go for a ride (he's got a flat tail Harley ) He gives us his card and phone number, we say out goodbyes and then it's back on the road.

Not a long ride today, fifty minutes on the road across a very windy bridge and we're on Philip Island.  Got here OK, now to find the campsite. 'Anchor Belle'. "its down here" Lin gets off, "no, wrong way"..... "turn round", "No, that ain't right, turn round again". All this mucking about, and she's standing opposite the entrance. (at this point, I just want to point out, She still has nice boobs and me farts still stink).  Right, in we go, book in, tent up and we're drinking coffee in fifty five minuets. Theres a night market in town tonight and starts at five, its a little early yet, so I have a little read while Lin did quite a good impression of being comatose. . Four o'clock comes and we stroll along the beach (another one ) into town. Lin has decided seashells have become valuable and is intent on making us rich, so cleans up every last one of them, from here to the town. The stroll on the beach has now taken about an hour and a half, but finally we get there.  . The night market was good, all a bit arty crafty but nice. Had a live band playing all the latest Elvis hits (no ones told em out here that his dead??). Had a bit of a wander round the town, got a few supplies and start heading back by road. I think we took the long way back, we went up hill and down dale. Time we got back, we were both knackered. Had fish and chips in town, so we just settled in for a quiet night. I'm not sure but I think they put us in this spot as food for the mossies and to keep em away from the rest of the camp. It worked and after I spotted four of the buggers fighting over a juicy vein, we retreated into the tent for the night. Time for bed anyway. Ain't gonna blow up the air bed from hell tonight. Just sleep on top with a few towels down (we stole them too, ) and see how it go's.

Love to you all, we got holes in the heart where your missing xxxx John and Lin

John packing up again, cuz we are on the move again........... ( they call us sort the 'grey' nomads' Flippin cheek.  Just in case you are wondering , I do help and do my bit , I just take time out to take the photos... So here goes and there are lots today and I'm not sorry........

We have arrived at Anchor Belle, Church St, Phillip Island. and yes I did do the navigating. Hence John had to turn round several times, but only ( I might add) about 50 yards from the camps entrance.....

Home sweet home. Well its all we own now, with the bike lol........

A view across the camp.

A walk into town along the beach, as you do. John is here with gritted teeth, because yes, I am collecting sea shells. (ps; His lips are luminous cuz they are burnt and he's got some lippy on!!!!!)

The coast line, and the tide is out.

Some shells I picked up. See they are pretty. The purple star shape is an actual star fish, john found on the shore line.

How lucky are we.??? the day we arrive it's the once a month night market in Cowes ( the town we are in)
Think someone here went to the Isle of Wight cuz the local towns on Phillip island are Rhyll and Cowes.
There was a swing band one end of town (very good) and a chap singing country with his wife the other end of town. (Not so good cuz he was singing one song and she another , bless!!!!!). Bit like a posh hippy market, but quite dear. I bought a lime green anklet with bells on (no comments please ) just because I liked it..

Now, peeps, I have to tell and explain the next piccies, cuz the only place out here you can get a postage stamp is at the local post office. They are always (wherever you go ) queued to outside the door.. so getting stamps is a pain, ( not like at home where you can get them anywhere, sorry I digress) Right, John says its the age of technology and we should not bother with postcards, we should send emails to those that we can. So here we go........ ( his idea not mine, as I actually like sending postcards and stuff as you all know, but hey ho!!!!!). These are now on the Phillips Island beach for all to see xxx

Dear Girls, miss you lots, wish you were here, ( never mind you're not lol...) Having a great time, weather still great, place great, food great, Love to all, Love Mumma and Daddy xxxxxx

Dear Steven, Jo and Ollie, Hope you are well, missing you, wish you were here xxx Having great time, Love daddy and Linda xxxx

G'Day Dot and Pete, Hope you are well, missing you lots, love you lots and really wish you were here xx Bye for now, take care Love Linda and John xxxxxx

Ok, postcards done and not a queue in sight, well actually there is cuz John is waiting for the laptop, hahahaha

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