Thursday, 23 February 2012

Thursday 23rd February, 12 apostles, a Gorge and a Loch

The night was a bit chilly, but hey, ho, that's what they make double sleeping bags for. Bacon sandwiches this morning, nice way to start the day. Tony stops by to let us know he's off, (the old git's 67) and it's not long before, him, his goldwing and magical trailer are disappearing into the distance.

A general tidy up, check the oil and water on the bike, fix the lock on the trailer while Lin does a wash and we're off to check out the local sites. The Twelve Appostles, (big rocks sticking out of the water), only there's just nine now, three fell down. (I swear it wasn't me) Still, I must say, it's quite impressive, then onto  Loch Ard and Gorge, (big crack in the ground, filled with water, (nothing to do with me again). You can't trust the ozzy's with anything, they crack or break it.

By now Lin's tummy's rumbling, so it's back to the camp, Lin polishes off whats left of the chilli and I do an omelet. Time for Lin to have her afternoon nap, so I grab me rod and trot of down to the creek. I give up after an hour and a half, Not even a bite, I'm sure the bloody creek's empty, so back to the tent, just as Lin's making eggy rice. (another feat of engineering ). Grub eaten, dishes done, once again, it's out with the computer and on to the bloggy thing to catch up. Time go' so quick out here

Love to all. John and Lin xxxx

The Gorge and Loch Ard; Totally stunning

And more...

Some of the Apostles, they are all in aline, but you can only see 9 now as the sea has reclaimed some.

This is called the Razor.

More apostles...

The Razor again.

Me, being photographed by him. (Yes, that is an apostle behind me.)

A view across the land.

A good view of the Apostles

and more

One of the look out boardwalks

Loch Ard

More Loch Ard and its stunning yet dangerous beach, you are advised not to swim here.

Two of the apostles....

 And more ....

More Razor

A totally lovely day, with views too die for. I am sure they filmed parts of Star Wars here.

1 comment:

rowena said...

amazing photos life just couldnt get any better like the lip stick john xx ha ha take care