Well lets bring you up to date. Its never busy for us here but the days just do stroll by. One minute you are waking up and putting on a cardi over your PJ's and going down to the beach with the dogs, the next you are turning off the TV, locking the doors and going to bed.... really strange.
Its been a funny old week as Lennox had to stay at home and was not allowed on the beach. Boy oh boy did he cry and howl and...... well the noise was strange .. It sort of sounded like a car going round a corner at 80mph on two wheels!!!. ' five days rest' the vet said and so five days rest he had. Bless him and did we know it... he was pitiful, his little face, ahh flipping 'ell, its like having kids !!!!!
Whats left of my slippers.. 'hop' comes to mind....
Tuesday john decides to take himself off down the beach to do some shore fishing...
Score; John 5 and Seagull half Johns bait ... hahahahahaha
On Wednesday we, yes WE went fishing (first time for me) and I caught about 4 puffer fish and 1 herring, John caught about 8-9 puffer fish(don't think it was the same one......No I did not just say that!) ALL of which we ,well John... put back. I actually quite enjoyed it. But I can't do the bait thing! and.. I can't do the unhook thing.... but YEP I can catch em..... I/we put it down to beginners luck. The puffer fish were really funny, as once they are caught, they huff and puff and blow themselves up into a ball, one blew himself up so much, he could not let himself down and when we put him back in the water he just bobbed on the top lol.....so think we will name him 'Bobbie' (yes girls, Mummy is still naming things!), but glad to say eventually Bobbie did let the air out and he did swim away. But they are funny fish, you can actually hear them puffing themselves up... We also threw a crab pot in the river, but no luck there! The cheeky monkeys just ate our bait and the pot came up empty!! Good job we weren't relying on catch and eat for tea!!!
John casts a line.... actually he is setting the crab pot and keeps an eye on it, but that did not stop them eating the bait and swimming away....
Caught and ''up he puffs'' ... 'Meet Bobbie'...
Put back, but to puffed up to swim !!!!!! this one bobbed about for ages..., called him Bobbie...hahahahaha, funny little chap, John had to get him in and out the water about 3 times.
Another one all puffed up.. they are poisonous if eaten, but are ok to hold carefully but they have sharp barbs on them..
'The cut', where we fished. This is the River Serpentine that leads into the Indian Ocean, amazingly a main dual carriage way runs along the side of this....and apparently there is a school of Dolphins that swim down sometimes, but we did not see them.
NO not a puffer, this is a herring..I caught him. John unhooked him and put him back, I can't do that catch and eat stuff!!!!!!
So there we were fishing away and along comes an elderly chap on his powered bicycle. He was really chatty and very interesting. He lives in a caravan nearby (a lot of the elderly live on caravan sites in OZ , as it means they can sell their house and cash in). And.. do you know we chatted for about an hour?, time flies.., then he said his goodbyes and left, shame but I did not get his name... then another chap turned up, yes he was retired to.. and also living in a caravan nearby (the Goldwing is a big conversation starter, and everyone wants to know about it, then us !). He had sold his home up north and moved down to Perth with his wife to be nearer family and also because the Northern Territories (NT) has apparently got really expensive as its getting very commercial.!!!! Sooooo god help us when we go north in August...
His name however, was PETER and he was a retired large truck driver. He had some stories to tell and was also really interesting. Peter left and then a large white 'ute' (open back car) pulled up, its lights were flashing??? and it pulled up right next to us...... I thought oh blimey, we were in trouble, cuz in many places you have to have a license for fishing and we did not have one. Then out got the driver and ........ it was ROSS, who we had met on the last site with his partner Mel. He had driven by and seen the Goldwing parked and thought '' I know whose that is,'' so he turned round and came down for a chat.... Really nice couple who both work the mines, Mel is the truck driver and Ross the digger driver. And when I say Truck and Digger,,,, I mean BIG (F***/Off) truck and digger.. So we chat, agree to meet up for a coffee later, he leaves and as the sun is high and the heat is around 90plus, we last another half an hour and decide to make a move back home. Still we had 3-4 hours of fishing.. flipping good it wuz too!!!!But I aint doin the bait or hook thing!!
Lennox in his frustration at not going out, not only ate my slippers this week but also ate the gate fencing!!!!!!! So John does a really good repair job and peace is returned.
John has also finished the extension on the trailer(or pod as I call it), fabbie, it gives us loads more room, I can't wait to fill it... (don't tell John I said that.. I keep having to find places to hide stuff..)
Look at this!!! Clever chap my John....
Saturday comes and its Steven birthday. ''Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Steven, Happy birthday to you xxxxxx'' We chat on Skype with him and Ollie and all is well xxx Enjoy, Steven have a good one. xxxx
The beach has been lovely this week (it always is actually), each day brings a different shape, a different land/beach line and lots of colours and skies and clouds and ..........well just have a look... These were all taken about 6.30am on various mornings this week..
A rainbow.... (yes another one!) Tuesday...
SUNRISE. (Wednesday/Anzac Day) ....... hows that for 'beautiful'... and taken on my IPOD, so this does not even do it justice really... but we tried... I love this picture..... The Australians are passionate about Anzac day. Its a national holiday and everyone is respectful, even the kids play there part in the sombre celebrations.
Thursday....Two waves meet, stunning, it looks like lace that has been folded.
Friday...NO this is not the cliffs (hahaha) its a cheeky shot I took of a small sand dune.(I just held the camera down near the beach floor!) But this shows how the beach changes shape everyday.
And then theres the Roo's, cheeky...... they just go very still as you walk by, but then they may well bounce off, they spring all over the place like Tigger out of Pooh bear!!!! But do they like our front garden? Yes they flipping do... But we don't mind, they are fascinating to watch and their movement is via their two back paws, not those long back legs, thats only for when the are sitting..
''OK! you guys eat and I will just lay here and sunbathe ...... and watch them up there on the balcony''.......
''Ok, lets all sunbathe and watch them up there!!!''
Us watching them..... 'The boys together' (hehehehe). All watching the Roo's who were watching them...
So we shopped, coffee'd, read, fished, chilled, relaxed, repaired, baked, made cards and ditties... and the week was done! No drama's, no worries, the girls and the boys.. are all great and doing well, living their own busy and young lives.... so once again all is well with the Smiths and.............well. we love you all. xxxx
NO doubt you would like more photo's ...... Next blog then !!!!!