Saturday, 7 April 2012

Thursday 5th april - First full day at the house- Suzanne and Ian leave for easter camp.....

Its our first morning waking up at the house. Suzanne ( home owner ) and her hubbie Ian are getting ready to go away till after the weekend for the families annual camping trip.

So up at 6am for the boys swim and beach run... Off to the beach we go. Suzanne comes with us and shows us the routine,. Should be no problem providing the boys come back to us ! Well that remains to be seen, but they are lovely dogs and seem easy to handle and very friendly. So off up the beach we go, I hold my breath several times as Costas ( the little russell cross) thinks he 's a surfer and can just jump on and off any wave, regardless of size. Lennox follows him and makes sure he is safe, and tells him off when he goes to far !!!! lol.

The walk goes well, so back to the house for a quick brekkie, Ian and Suzanne should be on the road just after 10 as they are meeting their daughters and family and co, for the weekend easter camp. Ian has spent an hour or so packing the trailer, good job done. Its all on and tied down tight. Suzanne's Mum pops up to say bye as she is leaving with her friend now to go to the camp too.  They will all be back on Monday nite ready to go onto Perth on Tuesday and then off the New Zealand to collect their boat and then the worlds their oyster........ Good byes all done, Suzanne says not to worry if we can't get through, just leave message at the camp.. ( theres a slight flaw in that, but all will be revealed later as it unravels) and its just John and I and the 'boys' in the house.

John and I decide to go out a do some shopping, so off we go to Miami Centro to get some goodies for the week. The weather is great, the roads are good and the Roos?? well the Roo's are out . They are all over the roads round by the house, so John drives carefully, he is smiling from ear to ear. The Roo's just seem to stand and watch you, they are apparently only aggressive if they feel threatened, no threat from us.. thats for sure. Some of the male roos are 7 feet plus in height.

Shopping done, we have lunch and potter round the house, sorting out our stuff, so we know where things are..  John cooks dinner, we have a ready cooked chicken and some crusty bread, yummy....
Off to the upper deck (upstairs living room), TV on and we settle down for the nite watching some very american doco's( documentaries to you lot !!).  Good Tv, we are  really knacked so go off to bed, and would you believe it? its midnight already.

So guys bye for now, love to the kids xxxxx
PS; I did not take many piccies today as too busy xxx hahahaha

Roos on the lawn outside the house.  (John will be impressed)

The night draws in across the water... and its still warm and promising to be another lovely day tomorrow

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