Up at nine this morning, so we got a couple hours sleep. I nip into the camp kitchen, (which is the smallest but the most well equipped yet) and sort out brekkie. Fed and watered, we both have showers. Looks like I still ain't got me head round the water thing. The showers have got a rather nasty brown tinge to em and I'm told it's the river water. So now there's no smell of sweat, just the odour of 'river bottom'. Well, it makes a change.
All done and its off for a walk to see were we are. Not a lot here really. We walk down to the local garage and get some money out, Then down to the river for our first drink in an Australian pub, turns out its the first and oldest country pub in the state, so beer for me and a fizzy lemon for Lin.... ah this is the life as we watch the ferry roll in and roll out again and listen to music from about 50 years ago.. ( Lin says she docent know any... but I can hear her singing along !!!!!, I'll say no more ). We have a very lazy afternoon and then tea, which is fillet steak, but Lin is sure this is not fillet, (She should know as its the only steak she'll eat) we eat what we can of the tea, never mind another meal another day tomorrow...... WE settle down, then decide to go back over the out and watch the ferry on the evening shift, walk back up to camp, shower and with every intention of going to bed earlier as we have to get moving on tomorrow and need to pack. But hey ho, the bunk house has a tv and Sherlock holmes is on. So I watch the film and Lin has a dabble with her iPod..Then its off to bed to fight the mozzies,( yes they are persistent) head down and I'm....... , well I'm gone and its morning ??????
Hey kids, we've bought a new home lol!!!!! way do you think. Well , actually it quite cute and tho not normally my style, it is serving us well..... so don't laugh....
Daddy at the door....
Mummy at the door...
The ferry crosses again...
The local cafe, but we are told it only opens occasionally, ( and to day is not occasionally lol)
The local lands..
Gus's garden ???? don't know who he is but this is his garden gate..
The ferry again... a view from the pub
John has a beer...
The electrics inside our new home, bakerlite no less!!!!
This ones for Dan, what do you think Dan, shall we ship it back for you to sort out ???
John surmising the land...
Me and the last flood marker...
These cockatiels were in a tree above my head (yes silly I know !!!!) but when the ferry came to dock they all flew off!!
Mother and Father! Will you please email me back! It is mothers day, i have sent 2 emails, and me and Steve are online waiting to speak with your australian faces!!
Email me when you get this, love youuuuuu xxxxxx
Mother and Father, you have not answered my 2 emails! It is mothers day and me and Steve are online waiting to speak with you both!
Love you lotsssss
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