Monday, 3 September 2012

27th Aug-30th up and off to Exmouth....and upwards....

The roads and journeys now become longer and the earth becomes redder and redder as we move up north. The drive is hard and its not unusual for us to be achey, dry and in need of some comfort as each part of the journey now ends.  We arrive in Exmouth and pull onto the Big 4 site which has been recommended. Its big, the kitchen is very well sorted and there are lots of facilities, showers, laundry, outdoor cinema etc.   We have a pitch right by the outdoor cinema and under some trees. At least we have shade this time, so its tent up, and a quick run into town to get a few food items.  I am not sure if I like Exmouth, its sort of something or nothing..... They really have missed an opportunity here as theres only a couple of coffee shops, two supermarkets owned by the same company ..... dont know what thats about and couple of small dive and tourist shops. We try and book on for the whale watch tour but cant get booked, never mind. So we head up to the lighthouse and are fortunate enough to see three whales out crashing and playing in the bay below. We took a few photos but you will proberly only see the splash and maybe the tail on them. The drive to the lighthouse was good and the views are stunning. We also go to the local marina and look at the boats.

We have really nice elderly neighbours on the site and they are very caring and very interested in what we are doing. The site goes amazingly quiet at 10pm on 'the dot' every night, so it is generally peaceful despite its size. We try our chance at a local health restaurant, John's not impressed as its all gluten free.... and 'he likes his gluten'.... never mind John, you wont starve. I try their eggs benedict, but being served up on crisp breads dosent quite work for me, never mind. And yet again things get even more expensive, petrol is now heading up towards $2 per litre and we were only paying $1.27 in Perth and chips, yes chips again is ridiculous, its not unusual to pay £5 for a small box..... anyway it what it is and if we want it we have to pay.

Overall though its been a nice stay even though we found Exmouth a bit 'flat' and lifeless. 

So heres the piccies....

Naughty Dottie lol..!!!!

This chap was washing himself at one of the taps on the camp site, ...

Lovely WA flowers again

John feeds the locals..

 The road to the lighthouse..

The lighthouse from the bottom of the bay..

Across the bay..

Up the hill and here we go, held my breath driving up this one ....

The man, parking up....

More views across the bay..

The light house... again..

Me and him ahhhhhhh...

That white splash (NO ! dont laugh) is the whales playing in the bay...

 Is anyone in ????

John catches up on the local history.

The marina..

I asked John to take a nice piccie of me.... Realllly?  Thanks John !

Dream on John..

We'll that was Exmouth, so on and upwards to the next town.....

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