Tuesday, 11 September 2012

5th Sept and its off to Eighty mile beach Yaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

If this place is as good as it sounds then this stay will be fab.

Dont wish to bore you, but the journey there was ok, hard in places but ok. Eighty Mile beach is 10km in land on a 'graded' road (track really) and is very isolated. The nearest town being Broome.

The road in was a nightmare, I just kept my eyes shut, held on tight and kept reminding myself that at one point I will open my eyes and we will be there!  It took a while but never the less we made it.

And was it worth while??? yes, yes , yes..... The site is lovely, their burger nites great, the people nice..the beach vast and clean and the sea as blue as can be.... The only problem we had was no ATM machine, no cash and we had somehow got down to our last 40p (50cents), yes 40p. So out came the credit card (a gold one no less). We had everything we needed, and its amazing what you can get by on when you have to...

WE met some great people here, some of whom we will keep in touch with. When it came time to leave we were treated like celebs. Invited to brekkie at one caravan, another couple had baked us a cake and another guy came over to John and was so impressed with Ruby that he insisted that John had his gold wing Tee shirt and put it on...and blimey the number of people all wanting our photo in front of or on the bike was flippin amazing.... (posh and Becks we are not! but blimey this came close lol). We have met so many lovely people on this trip, our christmas card list has grown ten fold...

Anyway heres the piccies...

Then road out of Cooke Point..industrial as ever..

On the way to Eighty Mile Beach via 'The Great Northern Highway'..

The start of the 10km drive into Eighty mile beach......Shake , rattle and roll did not even come near it!!!

Still going and upright!

Here at last, this site is always busy and some people have been staying here every year for 3-6 months at a time for the past 30 years...

The caravan you can see belonged to Burt and June... lovely couple who baked us a cake in a baked bean tin and it was really tasty.. and they gave us the recipe...

Just unpacking and getting sorted out, thats John deirrie you can see.

A view up the camp...

Across the camp..

Eighty mile beach..... wow

More wow... how lovely is this....

and more

Some under water life in one of the small rock pools.

 Jelly fish...

Looking out over the site form the beach dunes..

This was a fab stay and one we would do again. A nice chap called Sam drove me up to the main road in his land rover (after he heard John saying how worried I had been) so I did not have to go the 10km on the way out on the bike.... But what a fab three days...even with no money, no phone and no internet.

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