Monday, 12 November 2012

10th Nov, Death by shopping, Yeppoon

Now I think Lin's trying to be a bit ambitious, she's found out theres three market happening this morning. The fruit and veg market, (6-11am)The 'Mamma's' christmas market, (9.30-12am) and some local market, (10-12am). We're up and out the door so quick, it was all I could do to show me teeth what the toothpaste tube looked like.

First stop, the fruit and veg market. What a farce, I'm really amazed the locals keep falling for this. There's about half a dozen fruit and veg stalls (if that) and the rest is plants and craft, handy if yer planning to fry up a Yuccka or roast a doily. We buy a bag of beans and are heading up the road towards Cole's supermarket quicker than a copper getting off a speeding charge and thats quick... We get the weeks shop, including veg and nip back to the house to drop the shopping off before the frozen pies can finish baking in the back of the car. Lin spots the dog. Looks like fluff balls gonna get walked round the markets too, she puts up a bit of a fight, but Lin wants to go shopping and the poor dog ain't got a chance.

Now the three of us are pulling off the drive and heading for the next market.
 Daft really, we missed the clue. The name of the market is The MAMMA'S christmas market.I've never seen so many pregnant women in one place. Lumps of all shapes and sizes everywhere yer look and weres there's no lump, there's a couple of ankle biters. Lin's in shop mode so we're still gonna check it out and I get a lot of "look at the price of that buggy" and "Ooooo, ain't these baby-grows cute". Lin's doing every lane, she don't want to miss nothing. Good job kids dont play with knives, cos I think I would have bought one and cut me throat..... At last, Lin suggests a coffee and a bite to eat, I sit outside and hold the dog. Lin go's inside to order. Its not long before a waitress comes over to tell me I can't sit there becouse of the dog and I must move to the 'pet friendly area'. Great, now I feel like both me AND the dogs got fleas. I wait for Lin and we move away from all the nice clean people, into our own special zone..... At last our food arrives, well nearly. The waitress can't come into the pet friendly area and stands on the edge and calls us over to take our food. Now I really do feel like I've got scabs. I ain't happy and I can see Lin's none to pleased, but would you believe it, the dog looks like its smiling....

Two down, one to go and we're heading back to Yeppoon when Lin spots a garage sale, right on the main road. Next thing ya know, Lins checking out the goods, me and the dog aint daft, we stay in the car with the air-con. We're running out of time and its a bit of a dash to the final market. Awww, what a shame, we're to late and the markets packing up and I really fancied a bit more shopping.

Driving into the Muma's market at Rosslyn Bay...

This is the matina... there sure is some 'money' round here...

This is the Police launch, you could probably put three english Police launches into this one ...

This little horse was not much bigger than a dane and actually John asked if it really was a horse it was so tiny, its got a 'rashi suit' suit on to protect it from the sun... most australian kids where rashi suits all the time on the beach...

More views of the marina as we walk round the market..

Don't know the name of the tree but its sure pretty...

This is our car...yes our car, well for this month anyway, its a Toyota agylisis...very nice, very comfy and very the number plate!!!!

Thats all for today folks....and if 'Smiffy  Dundee' moans anymore about shopping he will need to be checking out his undercarriage for his fishing rod!!!!!! I say no more....

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