Wednesday, 21 November 2012

13th Nov, Snip and Spot, Yeppoon

Got a busy start to the day, this morning. The painters here at eight fifteen to finish off, well at least till Diane and Rod get back and the bathroom gets a free coat of paint, (yer can just see the painter smile).

Last Tuesday we took the fluff ball down to the doggy parlour to get a doggy hairdo as we were asked, seem like we were a little early. When I say a little early, I mean a week early........ So now, after reading the instructions with a little more care, we drop the mutt off on the right day, at the right time, we just hope its the right place.

 With a clean pair of drawers and a quick scrub down, its time to go get Lin's bum checked out. I'm beginning to think, she just likes the idea of having her ar*e looked at. I told her its a spot and I'm a plumber, we know these things. Its not long before we're in the Doc's office. Lin's got her skirt up and me and the Doc's checking out the spot. Its smaller than it was yesterday, (the spot that is. The arse is the same size). "Yep, that's a spot" the doc says, good , now we all agree. Lin gets a tube of cream and some acne tablets, I got to check out Lin's arse without getting a whack and the doc got paid, everyone's happy.....

Time to pick up the dog. Lin go's in and comes out with something that d'int look like what went in. I just hope its the same dog, I not sure Rod and Diane are gonna be to happy to come home and find the've got a new one. I'm gonna give it till the end of the day and if its not answering to its name, its going back.

Lin seems quite impressed with the dogs haircut and I think, could be a little jealous, cos now we got the dog home, she wants to go out and get her's done. Wish she'd said, could'av got em done at the same time, maybe got a discount. (OK, I'm in the poo)..... So Lin takes the car and disappears off the drive and in no time at all is back looking all glamorous and windswept.

The dogs had a short back and sides, Lin's got her hair done, so now I'm off down the beach for a spot of fishing. bye all.

From long, wispy......

To pretty, smart and very very posh.....

looooook at me... lovely or what ?

Oh yes.... Victoria B eat your heart out....

Days over....painting done, doggy shorn and my bottom sorted.... as yes 'he' is DEAD meat !!!!!!!

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