Saturday, 10 November 2012

9th Nov , Shiney helmets,shells,balls and sheila's....

Its been decided that the dog needs a run and it also transpires that the only place the dog feels comfortable is Bengalee Beach. I'm beginning to suspect Lin may be having something to do with the idea, but hay, ho, Im only a fella, so what do I know?  The dog gets loaded into the car and off we go.

Lin wants to stop off and get the dog one of them ball chuckers. I cant see it me-self, them ball chuckers fire the ball a long way and the fluff balls only got little legs, we could end up with a very skinny dog. Not to be deterd, Lin buys one anyway and its not long before we're jigging about on the hot sand trying to reach the beach. Out comes the ball chucker and off go's the ball. Well, the dog looked at the ball disappearing into the distance, then looked up at Lin and just stuck its ar*e down.... As we both watch Lin disappear after the ball, I'm beginning to think the dogs got more smarts then I gave it credit for.

Ok, back at the house and Lin asks me if I want to come with her into town and do a bit of shopping, let me think...... no, just too much to do, someones gotta look after the dog, there could be a break-in, a tree may fall on the house, could be struck by lightning, Saddam Husein might launch a counter attack, the list just go's on and on, better to just stay here and keep an eye on things . So with a heavy heart and a longing to be with her, Lin pulls off the drive, steering wheel in one hand, ball of string tied to the gate post in the other....

Now I don't believe in leaving things till the last minute, so I'm getting all the the things done that need to be done. Washed and polished the bike and trailer, now gonna wash out the helmets. Oh boy, the stuff that came out of em. eucck! just shows ya what nine months with yer head up a helmet can produce. Now me trainers, I can't use me bike boots out here, the weathers just to hot, so I normally ride in me trainers. When we're in the tent, I usually leave em outside, bout two in the morning, ya can hear the fuc*ers knocking to get in, we think a fox tried to nick um once and I found it passed out with its paw down its throat. Right, into a good hot bowl of soapy water and a good scrub. Even now, it always surprises me how slimy the insides get when you don't wear socks, hay ho, at least it keeps ya feet soft.

At last, Lin returns and shes full of smiles, Shes been doing the round of craft, and opp shops again. The last craft shop she visited was new and the owner has invited her to a scrapbooking evening, would I mind if she go's?, what? and miss a chance of having the TV remote all to meself for an evening, what time? do you need money?, do ya want a lift or ya gonna drive?. After tea, shes a right busy little bunny, sorting out patterns and cutting up tee shirts. (I'm sure I saw one of mine in there...). She's gonna make a little Elephant shes seen somewhere. Seven thirty and Lin's burning rubber down the drive. Hmmmm, seems a little keen, must have spotted me trainers.

I settle down to an evening of catching up with this bloggy thing in between 'Waking the dead' and 'Cold case'. Eleven thirty and Lin come screeching up the drive, I know she's just spotted the time and thought I'd be pis*ed. (wrong). .....Anyway, She's full of it. Lin's made her Elephant and everyones loved it, even after they found out what it was. Lin's got all the local gossip on loads of people we don't know and been asked back again just before we leave the area. Looks like I'm gonna get a reminder of what the remote looks like again.......


ahhhh........him and mate, under the sun, walking the beach and dancing in the surf ..... NOT!

This is heaven....look x

Oh Sophie... really? do you have to????? you are sitting on my lap driving back madam hahahahaha x funny how I offered to drive and 'John' said 'no, its ok.....'

Me (doing my Pamela Anderson shot for the up and coming new series of Baywatch !!!!! hahahaha)and Soph running through the surf and yes I am carrying the flippin 'ball chucker' and if 'Smiff' makes one more comment about it..... he'll find it chucked round his flippin earholes and hanging like an earirng anytime soon!

 Come on Soph....

Yep still running and still getting the ball myself....

Sophie seems to think she owns the beach , so on the VERY odd occasion that someone dares to drive by she gives them a peace of her mind and stands on her boundary barking....

The view behind us....this is the cleanest, flattest and hottest sand beach we have been on 20,000 km....

 The view to the left....

 The view to the right....

 and infinity...and beyond (buzz lightyear..I think! )

A very wet Sophie...thanks....

John got a crab !!!

There are lots of Jellyfish washed up on the beach at the moment.....

Another view , can you see the roof of the house... yep someone lives there, right on the beach...

 And heres a close up of the house...

 Yes madam, you may not want to move!!! but we have to make a move now, cuz its lunchtime and getting very hot !!!

More views of the surf.

What was that you said about the catch chuck thing John ????

Bye, thats it... for today  xxx love to all. xx

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