Monday, 15 October 2012

14th Oct. Mission beach, town, sand and lots of it ....

Had a really peaceful night last night, well I did. Not a kid on the camp, just the sound of the sea lapping against the shore and the wind blowing through the trees. We're laying in bed and I'm just nodding off when Lin suddenly says, "whats that?", "whats what?", "that squeak", "what squeak?" "listen, that squeak". Sure enough, if you listen hard enough, theres a faint squeak coming from the washing line (we think......) about twenty foot away. "Don't worry sweet, you can hardly hear it, I'll get the Castrol GTX out in the morning and oil it". I roll over and fall asleep, Lin spends most of the night reading in the loo, cos she cant sleep for all the noise.....

Another one of those sit around days today, so the rest of this is gonna be short.
Did the walk along the beach thing, went into town and looked round, had coffee, walked back, had a look for squeak, cant find squeak, cooked food, ate food.
Well thats it. Well what der ya want??? not every day has a midget in it......

Off we go into town for a coffee and musie(walkabout) and I stop and ask a nice lady if she could take a photo of the two of us... and here it is...daaaadaaaaa ....

John takes me...

The nice lady takes us.....ahhhh

Oh such a flippin lady  lol  NOT!!!!!

Smile John.....eagit!!!!!

The sea...

 On the beach..look at this, its stunning...



 a fallen coconut...just laid there sunning itself...hahahaha

Man friday..or was that Thursday??? lol...

A view across the site..

And here is naughty Dottie, made by Kouy and given to Mum.... Dottie is very naughty...


And the night time is setting in, this looked just like a painting and I took it from the tent door...

So folks thats all, nite nite, xxx and once again...we LOOOOOOOVVVVEEEEE you  xxxx

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