Sunday, 21 October 2012

21st Oct, Stall's and sea, Mission Beach

I stick me head out the tent, and it don't get wet, in fact it gets toasted.The sky's bright blue and the wind's dropped, (both inside and outside the tent, I really don't know what Lin's eating!).

There appears to be a lot of movement beside the camp and when I check it out, it seems the've set up a market, so I tell Lin. Mistake!!! I should have broke it to her gently. I've never seen her move so bleeding quick, she was a blur of speed, knickers on, dress over her head, didn't bother with a bra, slapped her hat on and she stands there all ready and I haven't even had me coffee yet, in fact the camp kitchen has only just opened. I make a quick tea and coffee and we take um with us. Now the markets out here consist of a few fruit and veg stalls, the odd slushy stand, a bit of leather work and the rest is craft bling. I must say, I really enjoyed it and found lots of shade to stand around in.... (Lin reads this to). We checked out all the stalls and ended up back at the start. When Lin suggested it would be nice to go round again, I decided it was time for me to go and have a shower, so all worked out well.
Lin's back with a bag full of doughnuts and a face full of smiles. A bit of retail therapy sometimes go's a long way.

The winds calmed to a gentle breeze and the sea is blue and flat, what could be better than a dip, so its into our cosies, grab the camera (if I get eaten by a shark, Lin wants to record it for insurance purpose's) and in we go. The water is so warm around this coast, its like bath water. Its not long before we work up an appetite and I can hear the gentle sound of a cheese and cucumber sandwich calling on the breeze, a call which is soon answered and accompanied with a coffee.

The day wears on, with me banging out this thing and Lin practising acupuncture on the doily thing, when one of the neighbours come over and asks us over for drinks and dips. Free beer and a carrot stick, say no more, so we spend a pleasant evening with more new friends...

This is John being sneeky with the camera, while I am quietly (yes quietly) sat in the shade and surfing the net...

Mission beach...

Me doing my I AM SLIM 1940's pose lol....

 Me in!!!!!!
 right in ....

Thats all for today folks ....x

Love to you all.  x

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